Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency

What We Do:

The Wetlands Agency regulates all operations and uses within inland wetlands and watercourses and any earth moving, fill, construction or clear-cutting of trees within 100 feet of wetland soil or 125 feet of a watercourse.


We're looking for volunteers to join our team. If you're available the first Monday of the month at 7PM for a ZOOM meeting, we'd love to have you! 

Members: 1  Alternates: 2

Office Hours:

The Wetlands Agent is available by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and by email.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Dan Malo Wetlands Agent
Tracy Giarrusso Land Use Clerk
Dorothy Durst Recording Secretary

Board Members

Name Title
Mark Parker Vice Chair
Marla Butts Member
William Rewinski Chairperson
Stuart Peaslee Member