Woodstock Redistricting

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The Town of Woodstock was recently split into two districts for the State House of Representatives. Previously the entire town had been in the 50th district; this fall it will be divided roughly in half, with the north and west sections of town becoming part of the 52nd district.

A map of the two districts in Woodstock can be found by clicking here.

Currently the polling place for Woodstock is the Town Hall. The Town Clerk and Registrars are working together to amend the polling place ordinance to include the Woodstock Middle School as the polling location for elections and primaries, and the town hall to remain the location for referenda. This will go to an upcoming special town meeting, along with a new ordinance establishing the voting districts.

After the Special Town Meeting, the Registrars of Voters are able go through the list of registered voters and let people know which district they fall into.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding redrawing of congressional and legislative district lines can be found here.

First Selectman Jay Swan states that one advantage of the redistricting is that Woodstock now has two representatives in Hartford instead of just one.