Tax Bill Information

Woodstock's Mill Rate is 22.41 (calendar year 2023-2024, Grand List Year 2022)

Can't make it to the Town Hall during business hours? Use the Drop Box, or pay online.

We have a drop box on the sidewalk in front of the Town Hall that you can use to drop off tax payments or items for other departments within the Town Hall. When making payments, please use checks only. We check this box every morning.

Tax Bill Information

The following information may be of interest or may be useful to you regarding your upcoming tax bill(s).

The July 1, 2023 bills are based on the October 1, 2022 Grand List.

If the total tax is under $100.00, the tax is due in July in one payment.

If the total tax due is over $100.00, the amount is divided into two equal payments due July 1st and January 1st.

Bills are sent only once a year, in July. No additional bills are sent in January for the second installment.

Bills come in three parts. Return the bottom part with your July payment. Return the middle part with your January payment, and keep the top part for your records.

Interest will be charged as follows:

  • July: Payment is due July 1, 2023. Interest will be charged if payment is not postmarked or in the office by August 1, 2023.
  • January: Payment is due January 1, 2024. Interest will be charged if payment is not postmarked or in the office by February 1, 2024.

Interest is calculated at 1 1/2% per month on the unpaid balance. To calculate August interest, use 3%; September interest, use 4 1/2%; October interest, use 6%, etc.

There are three lake districts in Woodstock that charge additional taxes. Each district has its own Tax Collector for these additional charges. Please do not include payment for these taxes in the town tax payment.

Woodstock Lake Districts

There are three lake districts within the Town of Woodstock. Each district has their own Tax Collector and they follow the same tax calendar that we do for tax bills. Each district taxes real estate based on the assessment provided by the town.

If you have any questions regarding the taxing districts bills, please contact the Tax Collector listed below for your district.

Lake District #3

Quasset Lake Tax District - Mil rate: 2.41
P.O. Box 536
Brooklyn, CT 06234

Call: Michael Deyorio

Telephone: (413) 348-5797


Lake District #8

Lake Bunggee Tax District - Mil rate: 5.08
P.O. Box 231
Woodstock, CT 06281

Tax Collector: Katie Rogala

Telephone: (860) 974-2819 X1


Lake District #7

Witches Woods Tax District - Mil rate 3.1
P.O. Box 231
Woodstock, CT 06281

Tax Collector: Katie Rogala

Telephone: (860) 974-2819 X1
